Online Therapy in NYC:

The Future of Mental Health

with a licensed holistic anxiety + trauma therapist from Brooklyn

Welcome to the future of therapy in the city that never sleeps! Virtual therapy is taking NYC by storm, and for good reason.

🥰 Why New Yorkers love virtual therapy:

Comfort: Be yourself! You can wear what you want, snuggle up with your pet, or set the ambiance that best suits your aesthetic and sensory needs.

Time Saver: Say goodbye to the hassle of traveling to and from sessions. Your time is precious and we respect that.

Flexibility. Working late? Traveling? Digital nomad? Be wherever. Online therapy meets you wherever you are.

Access: Not all parts of New York, or the world for that matter, have easy access to quality care. Virtual therapy bridges the gap.

No Sharing: Forget the waiting rooms, elevators, and recycled air. It's just you and your therapist, creating a safe and private space for unburdening your soul.

💻 Tips for a great online therapy session:

  1. Find a relatively quiet space with good lighting.

  2. Get comfy; you'll be there for 45-50 minutes.

  3. If you have housemates, consider a walk, your car, or a quiet spot in nature.

  4. Mute those notifications — 🔕 choose 'do not disturb' if possible.

  5. Don't procrastinate; book it now so you don’t forget!

Ready for a change?
Take the first step. Your mental well-being is worth it.